corvaglia at K 2019 in Düsseldorf


This year’s K fair will be held from 16 to 23 October, and corvaglia will be making an appearance.

What highlights can visitors expect? corvaglia will be demonstrating innovative designs for closures that are attached to bottles (known as “tethered caps”), which conform to the requirements set down in EU Directive 2019/904 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment. corvaglia has developed solutions for carbonated and non-carbonated drinks.

It has always been corvaglia’s goal to reduce the consumption of materials and energy (and therefore also CO2 emissions) required to create packaging while keeping the specifications for each type of packaging the same, if not making it better. This goal will of course remain in place for closures such as these, which remain attached to bottles. For corvaglia, ecological sustainability is not simply an obligation – it is one of our highest priorities.

The team of experts at corvaglia are looking forward to meeting visitors to discuss these concepts, along with many other aspects of beverage closures. You will find our stand, A51-10, in Hall 12.

Link to Press Release in English